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Looking For Love

John 3:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

King James Version (KJV)

Public Domain

Why is drug abuse at an all time high? Why are suicide rates through the roof? I believe it's because of the lack of love. People do not feel loved and people, even in the church, are not loving.

February is known for Valentine's Day. The day of love. From the very beginning people have looked for love. Cain murdered Abel because he thought that God didn't love him. Why? Because God excepted Abel's sincere offering over his half hearted offering. Rahab looked for love in the arms of her clients. Things haven't changed much. We still look for love in all the wrong places. These wrong places leave people feeling lost, empty, hopeless, and unloved. Unfortunately, they sometimes enter a church, a place where they should feel loved, and leave feeling like no one cares. We have to turn that around. We have to stop judging the lost with standards that we as Christians do not live up to. We need to remember that we were once lost and covered in the filth and stench of sin. We need to love the hooker, the drug addict, the person on the verge of suicide.

We need to put on those John 3:16 glasses and love like Christ. He is the perfect love. He is the perfect love story. There is on other who gave His life for each of us. He set the example for us. He made the first move to love us. All of us. We need to make the first move to love others.

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