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Zephaniah 3:17 The Message (MSG)

God Is Present Among You

16-17 Jerusalem will be told: “Don’t be afraid. Dear Zion, don’t despair. Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he’ll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs.

It seems as if Covid19 has taken over our lives. We've been told what we can and cannot do because of this virus. Some are afraid. But, do we really need to be afraid? The Bible tells us over and over again to not be afraid. What is there to fear if God is for us? What if you catch the virus? What if you don't? What do you have to worry about as a child of God? We are in a win-win situation. If you don't catch the virus you win. If you catch the virus and God spares you, you win. If you catch the virus and die, you get to be with Jesus for eternity. Our lives are in the hands of God. Should we take precautions? Absolutely! God gave us common sense for us to use it. We need to do what we can to protect ourselves and believe God to do the rest. And above all don't be afraid. God is with you and all of us. Let Him calm you and bring you peace. He's got everything under control. Choose faith over fear.

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