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John 8:34-38 The Message (MSG)

34-38 Jesus said, “I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave is a transient, who can’t come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through. I know you are Abraham’s descendants. But I also know that you are trying to kill me because my message hasn’t yet penetrated your thick skulls. I’m talking about things I have seen while keeping company with the Father, and you just go on doing what you have heard from your father.”

We have been hearing a lot about freedoms lately. The freedom of speech. The freedom to protest. The freedom to own fire arms. The list goes on. We are blessed that we live in a nation that gives us all of these freedoms. Sometimes I think some people need to visit other nations that have very limited freedoms so they will appreciate what we have here in the U.S.A. Thank God for the freedoms we have in this country.

There is more though. It's great to have tangible freedoms but there is a freedom that is much more than all those freedoms together. That is freedom from death, sin and the grave. So many people have yet to find that freedom which only comes through Jesus Christ. He came, He lived, He served, He died and He rose again to bring all of us that spiritual freedom. Without Christ you are still a slave. A slave to sin. Bound by chains of your creations. Chains that only Christ can break. There is only freedom in the blood of Christ. Will you call on him today?

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