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22 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Spring is a time is when everything returns fresh and new. The flowers, trees, birds. New life explodes as the animals begin giving birth to a new generation. Spring is like starting over.

In our spiritual lives we get to start over new every day. We have a loving Father who forgives and forgets and His mercy is new every day. Thank you Jesus! Only He can make us new again. Only He can take our dirty rags and make them new. He makes all things new. Not just in the spring but all year long. He's always ready with His soap and water to scrub us down, to scrub off all the dirt and stains of our sins. He's always ready to take our black heart and make it white as snow. All we have to do is run to him and ask for Him to do it. Thank you Jesus!


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