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God is Still the Same

8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 NIV

How many times have we heard Hebrews 13:8? This verse is quoted many times especially when the church wants to do something new or different. Is God the same? Yes. Do times change. Yes. Does society change? Yes. Should the church stay the same? Can the church be relevant and not change? Can the church grow and bring in new souls by staying the same? The answer to these questions are as varied as the denominations in Christianity.

I think this one of those verses that is used by those who do not want change. In reality this verse is saying that Jesus is consistent. He doesn't change His mind. What He called sin yesterday He still calls sin today. His promises are still true today just as they were yesterday. Jesus doesn't change His commands. We have an unchangeable, therefore unshakeable foundation of faith to stand on. He is our example to follow. Study Him. Worship Him. Love Him. He never changes.

You may be asking yourself at this point what about the above questions. Well, I think it depends. It depends on the people, the locale, the environment. Each individual church needs to evaluate what needs to be done. One thing that should never change in the church is the un-watered down preaching of the Gospel.


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