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The Same Power

I know there are some among you who are so full of themselves they never listen to anyone, let alone me. They don’t think I’ll ever show up in person. But I’ll be there sooner than you think, God willing, and then we’ll see if they’re full of anything but hot air. God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life. The Message

In today's modern politically correct society the church has compromised over and over again. Instead of making the sinner feel uncomfortable, the church has been busy making the sinner feel at home. As a result of this and many other compromises the church has lost it's power. The church in general has become a church with a "form of godliness but denies the power there of" II Tim. 3:5. The church is settling for so much less than Christ has left for us. Souls are lost because we deny the power that Christ has sent to us through the Holy Spirit. Why would you accept Christ into your life if the church is busy excusing everyone's sin and telling them it's ok? Some like to preach that Jesus was loving and accepting of everyone. Unfortunately they stop there and do not tell the rest of the story. Yes, he loves and accepts everyone, BUT he does not accept their sin. When He met the woman at the well He told her to, "Go! and sin no more", John 8:11. He do not accept her sin and He instructed her to stop sinning. Again, why would you accept Christ if He wasn't going to change your life? Why accept Him if you are still going to be addicted, depressed, adulterer, drunkard etc. People need the life changing power of Christ. We as Christians and the Church have that to offer. We need to quite worrying about offending and start worrying about doing what we were called to do: love and through that love lead souls to the life changing offensive POWER of Jesus Christ. Jesus left us the same power that He had. Let's use it.


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